Philippians 2:6-8 "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!"
Being a servant and thinking of others may not come easily to us. I heard one of my nieces today comment to her sister, "It isn't all about you." To which her sister replied the same statement back to her. Both of them knew the right thing to say in the sense of looking out for the other person, but yet they twisted it to get what they could out of the situation for themselves instead.
I too was faced with multiple opportunities to be a servant today. Some of them I faced well and had a good attitude. Others I didn't do quite so well. I did what was asked of me, but sometimes grumbled in my heart. To God that is no different than outright saying it. At times I forget that. I think that as long as I respond or act right on the outside, then it is all right. But it isn't.
To truly be a servant, we need to follow Jesus' example. Can you think of how humbling it would be being God, but still choosing to come to this world as a defenseless baby? He served others his whole adult life, even to the point of his death. He didn't do the right thing just on the outward, but did it in his heart as well. It's easy to say and do what is expected when others are watching, but how do you do when you are alone. How are your thoughts? Are there times when you outwardly help and serve people, but it doesn't carry through to your heart? Are you willing to consistently have a servant's heart? This season is a great time to start.
Make a conscious decision to work on having a servant heart this Christmas season.
Father, help me to know what it means to serve others in all I do, not just in my actions. Amen.
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