Christmas is a time of joy and celebration for most people. But for some, it is a bitter reminder of what they have lost or a fresh reminder of their needs.
On December 27th it will be eighteen years since I lost my father to lung cancer. He died just months before his first grandchild was born - my oldest son. For many years Christmas was a sad time for my mother, because of missing him. I think too of the people I know that have lost husbands this past year. I know holidays can be a fresh reminder of missing their loved one.
There also are those that are going through difficult times financially or experiencing medical problems. With today's economy, many are facing the need to cut back and do less than they normally would be able to do. For them, Christmas is a grim reminder of the things they will not be able to provide for their families this year.
I encourage you this year to look for those around you that are hurting and are in need of a helping hand, whether financially or just a dose of encouragement.
This also is a good time to open your heart to Jesus if you never have before. He came into this world to provide a way for you to go to heaven. He is standing at your heart's door, knocking and just waiting for you to ask Him to come in. He desires to fellowship with you. Won't you ask Him into your heart this Christmas?
Look around you to find someone that is hurting and see what you can do to reach out to them.
Open my eyes to the needs that are around me Lord. Help me to show others Your love, through me. Also open my eyes to my need for You in my life, on a daily basis. Amen.
1 comment:
Great "Pearls" of wisdom today! Thanks for sharing your heart!
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