Mark 10:14 "When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Last night our church held a special program called 'Service from the Heart'. Every year at this time various kids, teens, and some adults give their talents back to the Lord by performing. A lot of times there are the kids that have learned the special Christmas pieces for school that they have learned on their instruments, decide to share a song. Other times it can be a poem or a testimony.
We had something new last evening. Our children's director called all of the little children forward at the end of the evening to sit around her as she read them a story about the night that Jesus was born. Most of the kids sat quietly as they listened and looked at the pictures. There was one little exuberant guy that was eager to answer whenever she questioned the kids.
She asked the children who it was that was trying to find room at the inn, he was quick to respond that it was Mary and Joseph. He had a sparkle to his eyes as he anticipated the part of the story when Jesus was born.
I couldn't help but look at him and think how touching that must be to our Heavenly Father. This little guy that had been trained from a very early age the foundations for our faith. I remember when my own boys were that age and had that child-like wonder. Unfortunately it is something that we often outgrow as we get older. But I think God delights when we still have that childlike heart and faith - when we can wonder with wholehearted excitement about the birth of our Savior. When was the last time you had a childlike heart?
Read a Christmas story with a child that you know and take notice of their childlike wonder.
Dear Lord, help me to have a childlike heart. Amen.
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