Almost six weeks ago my oldest son was in a car accident on his way to work. He had no noticeable injuries at the time, but we still had him go to the emergency room to be checked out. My husband opted to leave work for the day so that he could take him to the hospital while I came home to do home school with our youngest son.
I had plans for later in the day to get together with a friend. I called to let her know what was happening and how our plans had changed. She didn't think twice, but chose to come for the entire day and brought food as well. She did not want me to be waiting for news about my son by myself.
I often think back to that day and am blessed all over again. My friend chose to show me her love and support in a tangible way, by being by my side as we awaited my son's return home. It meant so very much to me.
These verses give us specific instructions on how we can show love to those around us. First of all, your love must be sincere, if it isn't it will be easily recognized. Demonstrating love requires that we put others before ourselves. It's being willing to be inconvenienced.
In today's society you don't see evidence of love as readily as you used to. We live in a time where "me first" is lauded. It's easier to text someone, or send an email instead of the personal touch. I'm glad that God chose to love us personally. He sent His only son into this world, knowing His death would provide salvation for us all. He showed us the ultimate gift - love.
Today see if you can show love to someone that you wouldn't normally think of during this holiday season. Go out of your way to demonstrate love through your personal touch.
Dear Lord, help me to be loving to all that I come in contact with today. Help them to see You through me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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