Today I'd like to welcome special guest, JC Morrows. Can you tell us how you developed a love of story?
I have always had it in one form or another. I was an early reader (4
years old) and have always loved to find new stories, new adventures to
lose myself in! According to my mother, from about the same age, I
started telling stories to anyone who would listen. I think I must have
been born a storyteller.
:) Sounds like you definitely have a love of writing and telling stories. What is the farthest place from home that you've traveled?
Tijuana, Mexico – nothing like what I was expecting either. I can hardly wait to get to Ireland though. One day...
I'm guessing there is a story behind both of those. What does a typical day look like for you and when do you fit in time to write?
not sure there is a typical day in my life... is there in any
author's... LOL, but I can tell you how a typical day should go.
get up fairly early. After copious amounts of coffee (YAY for Pumpkin
Spice Creamer), I typically do some social media work until about 10 am.
That's when we break for school. After school, we do lunch and then
outside activity. Evenings are family time and then I get the majority
of my writing/editing/etc... done after the kiddos are in bed.
Thankfully, I've always been a bit of a night owl.
I can... mostly at night after the kiddos have gone to sleep. Unless
I'm on a deadline. When that happens, it is open season and any time of
day or night is game.
So up early and and also late. I don't know how you do it. I tire out much earlier in the evenings then I used to. What advice would you give to new authors?
QUIT! Even if it feels like none of your manuscripts will ever see
publication, keep trying! Keep writing! It's therapeutic, it's good
practice, and you never know when you might have the chance to dust off
one of those ancient manuscripts and give it new life!
Thanks for the reminder and encouragement. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
life verse is Habakkuk 2:2 because it describes my journey and my
heart's desire so beautifully! “And the Lord answered me, and said,
write the vision; and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that
readeth it.”
What a great verse! What qualities do you look for in a hero and heroine?
characters don't really work that way. They're fully formed in my mind
before I start writing their story. I do try to bring out the best of
them in my writing but ultimately, I want them to be as real to the
reader as they are to me.
Having 'real' characters is what draws the reader into a story. Where did you get the inspiration for your latest book?
latest series actually is 100% God-inspired! I believe that God has
given me the ability to tell stories but I do not believe He gives me
every single story idea that pops into my head. I do however, believe
that He gave me this one. And it has been the easiest (and the hardest)
series I have ever written because of that.
Don't you love when God gives you ideas? What is one thing you hope readers will take away from your story?
hope ultimately to be a witness through my characters. I'm no good at
witnessing in person. This is the vessel God has given me for that
I can relate. I pray every day for God to use my writing to be a witness for Him. What does your writing space look like?
a mess. I use an old table we have and unfortunately, I'm a clutterer
so it's usually buried under papers and books, tablets and pens, pencils
and bookmarks and boxes of business cards.
understand all about clutter and a messy desk. I finally decide to do
something about it when the stack is so high I can't see the monitor
properly. LOL. If you have a day off, what's your favorite thing to do?
:) My favorite pastime too. Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm a bit of an over-achiever... which is not always a good quality in
an author. No story can ever truly be “perfect” so it is usually my
editor who has to tell me to step away from the computer and let her
have it.
LOL. :) Where do you get ideas?
many places... dreams, crazy ideas that just pop into my mind – this
latest series did that; in immediate answer to my asking God what HE
wanted me to write about.
You have me intrigued. Do you have a favorite scene in your newest release?
do actually but sadly it would be too much of a spoiler to tell you
about it. What I can tell you is that I did not envision writing it when
I started the book. It was one of those surprises the characters threw
at me unexpectedly.
In other words I have to read your book to figure it out. :) What is the genre you write in?
Young Adult Speculative
I have to admit that I don't have any familiarity with that genre. How does your faith and spirituality work in with your writing?
book is different and each character is different but I work very hard
to weave God into each story in one way or another. It really depends on
the story I am telling. In the Order of the MoonStone series, belief in
God is very unpopular, and yet The Prince holds fast to his faith and
he's not afraid to show it.
You've peeked my interest. :) How long have you've known you're a writer?
a bit of a tricky one. I've always known I was a storyteller and my Mum
always knew I should be writing them down. It just took her a while for
her to convince me of it.
So your mum had to give you a little push. :) What do you plan to work on next?
Still working on the same series.

My library and coffee! What do you mean the entire library doesn't count as 1 thing!?
LOL. I'll allow you to take it this time. :) Finally, where can readers connect with you?
It's been fun getting to know you, JC. I wish you the best with your writing.
today is your last chance to have your name thrown into the cereal
bowl. This month's giveaway is Erica Vetsch's book, The Cactus Creek
Next week you won't want to miss the interview with Laura V. Hilton.