Anne at http://acupofteawithanne.blogspot.com/
gave me this wonderful award. I am blessed to receive it and more so that you frequent my blog. I have enjoyed getting in touch with you again through your blog.
The Blogging Friends Forever Rules are:
1. Only five people allowed.
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
3. One has to be someone new, or recently new to your blog, or live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the 'Blogging Friends Forever' award.
Heidi lives in Asia.
Marilyn is faithful at reading and encouraging me.
Lynn is a new reader to my blog.
Sharon encourages me with her comments.
Even though Micca is a busy woman she often has uplifted me with her comments when I have needed them. Thanks Micca.
AWWWWWW THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I am so honored to recieve such a awesome reward from such an awesome friend
Many Blessings to you
Thank you so much for the award! And I am JUST as thankful for the way you described me....faithful and encouraging! That makes me feel SO honored!
Again....Thank You!
God bless you!
Marilyn in Mississippi
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