I'm including a photo from our trip to Florida a few months ago. This is me and my dear husband in Downtown Disney. Over twenty years ago we spent our honeymoon in Florida at Disney World. This riverboat behind us, was then called the Empress Lilly and was one of the most expensive places that you could eat. We had a package deal that included all of our meals. We could eat anywhere except for the cheap fast food type places.
Over twenty years ago I married the love of my life and my best friend. He has been with me through so many things through the years. I am proud that he served our country through serving in the military. Even though it was hard at times being so far away from friends and family, I am honored by your commitment to the USA. You encouraged me as a new bride when we had our first Thanksgiving together and we sat down to all of the food hot and ready except for the turkey which was still rare inside due to a gas stove that didn't bake properly. You often crouched by the tub with me at our first apartment that had no kitchen, so we had to do dishes in the bath tub. You were there when I got off the plane on Thanksgiving Day and arrived in Germany. You were able to come home from maneuvers when I experienced a miscarriage. You were there when we went home on emergency leave to visit my Dad in the hospital.
The following Thanksgiving Day you welcomed me home again to Germany after I had been back to the states to visit my Dad, knowing it would be the last time I would see him on this earth. I think of your support and strength and comfort when Dad died and I was unable to go home for the funeral because I was six months pregnant. I think of the joy we experienced when our first son was born in Germany. You were busy being the rear commander while the rest of the unit was serving in Dessert Storm. I still remember seeing the flowers and marveling at their beauty as we took our newborn home.
Then we experienced a move back to the US when we stepped out in faith, got out of the military with no job and no place to live. You persevered until you found a job in the area we wanted to live, and found our first home as well. Soon afterwards our second son arrived on the scene. You have always been supportive of me through the years and I am truly thankful. Thanks for all the times when you dealt with the boys getting sick because my stomach couldn't handle it.
Thank you too love, for all the times that you have made time for being there for the boys even when your schedule was already full. I have seen through the years how you have actively been involved with Cub Scouts and now Boy Scouts. You were there when they started swimming and have spent years coaching and officiating, so that you could be active in the things they were doing.
I praise you for being the spiritual leader in our home. We started doing devotions with the boys when they were babies and have continued through the years. You have been there to talk with and play with them. You took them away for a weekend to give them "the talk". You have made a point that they are respectful to me as well as others. You have been faithful in supporting us so I could stay home and teach the boy even though you are in a job that frustrates you.
I have seen you take leadership in our church through teaching men's bible studies, a couple's bible study, being a church elder, and serving on various committees. I have seen how you have taken the role at church as Council president even when you didn't feel adequate.
You have supported me in all of my endeavors. You encourage me with my writing and have taught me many new things. You are patient even when I am losing it or forget to respect you. You have been willing to sacrifice at times in order to encourage me. Thanks honey.
There are so many reasons that I love, respect and want to honor you this Father's Day. You have been a terrific husband and father through all these years. Thank you for all that you do for us honey. We love you!
What a wonderful dedication. That is so sweet. I guess it's better early than never. I hope I don't forget my husband.
I salute your husband! Thanks for serving our country, stepping up to be a man (when so many men are needed to lead the next generation in godliness) and being a role model for the many children who surely watch your example!
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