It's hard to believe it's time for Blog Hop Friday already. This time it's G for genre. I'm a writer and often I'm asked what genre I write and my response is historical romance. I have to admit, I love to read about the past, particularly the 19th century. It's only natural that it also is the time period that I also write about too.
Perhaps it's the influence of watching
Little House on the Prairie as a child that has caused such a great love of the 1870's in particular. I didn't start out with a love of history, but the older I get the more I find it fascinating.
What genre or time period do you enjoy reading?
I write Contemporary Romance, usually have humor laced through and sometimes a bit of suspense...I love to read CR, CRS and Historical sneaks in there sometimes too!
Hi Susan. I admit to occasionally reading contemporary romance or suspense, but I typically read historical romance.
I like reading inspiration romance and suspense stories. I'm not especially fond of the civil war era as the stories are bound to be sad. When I read the romances, I want to be lost in the fairytale world- not hit by life's harsh realities. On the other hand, they can depress me for I wished it could happen to me!
Hi Barbara! Welcome. I like stories that are happy too. I don't mind if they go through some struggles as long as it all works out in the end.
I write suspense/thriller, and that's typically what I enjoy reading. Not the paranormal spooky stuff though. I also like pop-up books (any genre). :)
Pop-up books. Why am I not surprised, Tom. :)
Historical romance all the way. When I read I want to escape and contemporaries just don't do that for me. I mean, why read about driving and grocery stores when I do that all the time.
:) You made me laugh, J'nell. I feel the same way. Love historical romance.
LoLoL, Tom, you crack me up so much! Pop up books!! Too funny. =]
I read and write contemporary romance. And historical romance. And romantic suspense. And storybooks. =] Can't have kids and grandkids and no storybooks, yanno! =]
You are multi-talented Patty. :)
hmmm. I need to clarify. I write only historical and contemp. romance (although I do have a couple of storybooks too) but the rest I simply read. I've never tried suspense, but I've been sorely tempted to try sometime--especially after talking with my son-in-law who is a police officer.
Sorry about not being clear. My mind had switched to reading while my fingers were still typing the writing. LoL
LOL, Patty. I guess that comes from trying to do too many things at once? :)
Love to read historical and historical romance (as long as there's "more historical than romance," if you know what I mean. I like the thread, but not if it dominates the story.) - especially biblical. Read in other genres too, but not as much.
Currently, I'm writing mostly children's stories (actually, if I'm TOTALLY honest, I'm writing mostly blog posts, but you know what I mean LOL).
Thanks for stopping by, Joanne. I'm only writing blog posts regularly because of this A-Z blog hop. :)
I love all periods of history. I don't know that I have a favorite. From ancient to modern it's all good!
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