Always believing the Savior will soon be here.
These were the words to one of songs, in one of the many Christmas cantatas I've participated in over the years.
Many years passed between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Many years of waiting for the promised Messiah to come to earth.
Years with no word from the Lord.
As you think about and anticipate the Christmas season, what are you waiting for?

I am waiting waiting waiting for Messiah to return! I long for that day as never before. But I know there is much work to be done!
Amen, Karla. Some days make me long for heaven more and more. :)
Haven't really thought about what I'm waiting on....lot's of dreams to come to fruition!
I've added your post to my board on Pinterest...
Thanks for the extra promotion, Pamela.
I can relate on waiting for dreams to come to fruition. :)
Our little family of three's all together this year for the first Christmas ever, so that's what I've been waiting for. Last year at this time our baby and I were waiting for my husband to come home from a year long deployment.
How wonderful that you will be all together this Christmas, Joe Joe. I'll be praying it's an extra special time.
I look forward to when the Messiah comes back too. And for miracles of healing in special relationships--healing only He can provide.
We too are waiting for the Messiah's return, Kathy.
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