When I considered what to write about for this week using the word 'sign', my first thought went to the verse....
"Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David. This will be the sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.” Luke 2:11-12
But then I thought further, especially as we enter the Lenten season - the time where we remember what Christ did for us on the cross, I thought about the different sign posts God places in our lives. Now they aren't physical ones that you can see. Often they are nudges by the Holy Spirit, directing us which way to go.
The thing is though, you have to be close to the Heavenly Father in order to recognize those signs. Sometimes they may be a flashing red light warning us to stop. Yellow to proceed with caution. Every once in a while we get a green light, saying something similar to the promise God gave in the Old Testament.
"...if you obey all I command you, walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight in order to keep My statutes and My commands as My servant David did, I will be with you." 1 Kings 11:38
How are you doing with walking in God's ways? Are you following the sign posts He's left for you in His Word?
1 comment:
I try but sometimes there is a arrow pointing in different directions.
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